What Can You Do to Improve Your SEO During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

What Can You Do to Improve Your SEO During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
How to Improve Your SEO During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Whether your company is seeing an increase or decrease in web traffic due to the coronavirus, SEO is just as important as ever. While SEO is a long-term strategy that will result in long-term gains, there are many companies that are in survival mode during the pandemic and need results faster.

What can you do to improve your SEO during the pandemic? While SEO staples like creating high-quality content that is authoritative and trustworthy are definitely important, there are some steps you can take to improve your SEO game now.

Unless your business is relevant to the coronavirus pandemic and is seeing an uptick in views already, your best option may not be to create a lot of new content. Of course, creating evergreen content will help prepare you for But there are a lot of things you can do to improve your current content.

Research Your Keywords

Research Your Keywords

Keyword research is always an important part of SEO. You want to be using the keywords that most closely match what users are searching for online to help them find their way to your website. Further research on the keywords for your best-ranking content will help you ensure that you’re using the best possible keywords for your topic and help you reach even more people with that content.

Consolidate Duplicate Content

Over time, it’s easy to eventually end up with some duplicate content. Even if it’s not exactly the same, web pages or blog posts on similar subjects could end up leeching viewers from each other, resulting in lower ranks for both. Now is a good time to look through your current content and consolidate any that might be too similar. The resulting single page will be much stronger as a result.

Improve Your Existing Content

Improve Your Existing Content

Improving your content to make it more authoritative can help boost your rankings. Check out your content that’s ranked on the first page. Some small tweaks could see those pages bumped up in the rankings. Content that ranks further out, on the second page or later, may need more in the way of edits to get it up to first-page ranking standards. You may need to flesh out the content a bit more to make it more authoritative. This may mean adding entire sections to your page.

Create COVID-19 Content

If your company is able to create content relevant to the coronavirus pandemic, now would be the time to do it. This is especially important if you can help people in some way, whether that’s by providing them with an essential product or service or by answering questions they may have.

It’s also a good idea to update your website’s homepage to include information about what your company is doing to keep both employees and customers safe during the pandemic. If your employees are working remotely, you should mention that. If employees come into work, then describe the precautions that are being taken to protect both them and any customers that come in.

Improve Your Existing Content

SEO Is a Long-Term Strategy

SEO efforts may not show results for a while. Even the efforts you take to improve your SEO strategy during the coronavirus pandemic may not see immediate results. But it’s important for your business’ marketing strategy to not ignore SEO during the pandemic. You should keep your SEO efforts going so that when the pandemic eventually ends, you’ll be prepared for business to return to normal.

Need some help growing your web presence and strengthening your brand? You’ve come to the right place.

The Importance of SEO During COVID-19

The Importance of SEO During COVID-19

Reading Time: 3 minutes
The Importance of SEO During COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has been a rough time for individuals and businesses alike. With people across the globe quarantining to help slow the spread of the virus, businesses are feeling a major impact on revenue. But while it’s tempting to cut the marketing budget in order to save money during this time, SEO is actually still very important for your business.

Despite Internet usage increasing as people have switched to working remotely and have turned to online hobbies during the pandemic, many businesses have seen a decrease in their online traffic. So why does SEO still matter so much?

Covid-19 Content Is Trending

Covid-19 Content Is Trending

The coronavirus is on everyone’s minds at the moment. People are worried, whether that’s for their health, their jobs, or their loved ones. That means people are searching online for answers about COVID-19. If your business is able to leverage this by producing coronavirus-related content, then you may still be able to take advantage of the trend.

Some companies offer products or services that are relevant to the coronavirus, however. These companies can produce content that can help people during the pandemic or answer their questions. Some can just help keep people entertained while they’re stuck at home. IF your company does have content relevant to helping people through the pandemic, then it’s a good idea to go ahead and post it.

Evergreen Content Is Always Relevant

Evergreen Content Is Always Relevant

However, the coronavirus will eventually pass. A lot of the content related to COVID-19 won’t be relevant once it does. It may be a better idea to invest in evergreen content that will still be relevant in years to come. SEO is a long-term strategy and although you can certainly take advantage of trends as they come along, evergreen content is generally the best long-term strategy.

When the pandemic eventually does pass, users will return to more normal search patterns. That’s where your evergreen content will come into play. Evergreen content by definition is relevant for a long time. SEO is all about the long-term gains rather than the short-term, so evergreen content should be your focus during the pandemic.

SEO Is a Long-Term Strategy

Even without a pandemic going on, SEO gains are typically over the long-term. Your SEO strategy should already reflect that, which means that it should be relatively coronavirus-proof. Even if there’s a decrease in traffic, there may not be anything to change within your overall strategy.

The decrease isn’t because of a change in Google’s algorithm or what’s considered white hat SEO. It’s because of the current pandemic, which will eventually pass. Your SEO strategy can, therefore, look towards that time when the economy begins to recover and people go back to their normal lives and searching patterns.

SEO Is a Long-Term Strategy

Authority and Trust Are Essential

Just as during normal times, establishing authority and trust with search engines is an essential core component of SEO. Even if your web traffic has temporarily declined due to the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to maintain your strategy to produce authoritative and trustworthy content that will be at the top of the search rankings when the crisis passes.

Need some help growing your web presence and strengthening your brand? You’ve come to the right place.